Cirrus Primary Academy Trust


Subject Lead: Mrs. Charlotte Wheatland

The UK has a rich heritage of culture and different belief systems and it is vital that young people are given opportunities to reflect on how different beliefs affect them and those around them. At Stanley Park Infants’, we aim to provide our children with the tools to enable them to have a respectful discussion of the different major world religions.  

How we teach RE 

Our RE curriculum is based on the Sutton Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (produced by the Sutton Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE), where children learn about different religions and beliefs. The curriculum is enhanced through the use of artefacts and visits to places of worship. Each new topic in R.E is launched with a ‘big question’. Each lesson will give the children new knowledge and skills to allow them to offer an informed opinion on the ‘big question’ in the final lesson at the end of the topic. Knowledge and skills will be built upon as each topic progresses. 

Throughout the school day, year groups come together for communal assemblies to discuss key topics and answer questions. During these assemblies, it is important for the children to reflect upon their learning and review different viewpoints.

Understanding the World EYFS


R.E. Long Term Plan & Progression Skills

RE EYFS Progression-skills

KS1 RE Long Term Plan, Skills and Progression

RE Learning-journey


R.E Umbrella of Learning


Sutton Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
