Cirrus Primary Academy Trust
Stanley Park Infants  87

School Council

At Stanley Park Infants' we actively promote pupil leadership opportunities, enabling your child to develop valuable communication and organisation skills.

We believe that providing pupils with key roles of responsibility is paramount to their development and learning experience.

Our successful Pupil Parliament is a well-respected body within the school.

School Council Meeting - February 2024

February 2024

School Parliament met to discuss the following matters.

-Library sessions

-Health and Fitness Fortnight

All agreed the activities had been a great success and to repeat next year.

Skipping was the most popular.

Children requested more gym sessions using the wall bars.

-Picture News

All classes enjoying this session.


Ketchup requested again on Fridays.

-Lunch Play

Children looking forward to new equipment including more space hoppers.

-Comic Relief

JH chatted over auditions and types of acts to think about.


JH discussed Carnival Week which will happen in the Summer.

Children will think about activities they would like to include.

Meeting Closed 

next meeting 8.30 am with DDS on 23/2/2024