Cirrus Primary Academy Trust
Stanley Park Infants  3

Safeguarding in our School

At Stanley park Infants' School we are fully committed to safeguarding our pupils and staff.  We take notice of and adhere to all the national and local policies and guidance in regard to Safeguarding Children and Young People.

Safeguarding is summarised as:

  • protecting children from harm
  • preventing damage to children’s health or development
  • making sure that children grow up safely, and
  • taking action to make sure all children have the best start in life.

Are you worried about a child's safety?

Don't delay, contact the NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000

If you think a child is in immediate danger call the police on 999.

Pupil Focused Child Protection Policy

Pupil Focused Child Protection Policy

Please share our pupil focused Child Protection Policy with your child.