Cirrus Primary Academy Trust
Stanley Park Infants  4

Our Vision and Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Vision Statement

We are a forward thinking, innovative school community that embrace and acknowledge education as a right and a privilege.

We have high expectations and strive to ensure that all children reach their full potential.

We aim to create an environment in which everyone feels happy and is actively involved in all areas of their learning.

We aim to encourage everyone to develop a growth mind-set by taking risks, asking questions, rising to challenges, being resilient and never giving up.

We value everyone as individuals and encourage them to respect each other, helping them to form and maintain positive and meaningful relationships.

Pupil Choices

  • Listen for learning
  • Use gentle hands and feet
  • Do the right thing
  • Work as a team and respect others
  • Be polite and honest
  • Take pride in our school

...try hard in everything we do!