Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

British Values

British values picture


The Department for Education states that there is a need for schools to promote fundamental British values. These are:

  • Rule of law
  • Democracy
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs 
  • Mutual respect
  • Individual liberty

At Stanley Park Infants’ School we are continually enriching and developing our curriculum so that it incorporates British values as part of our daily practice.

We actively reinforce these values in a wide variety of ways:

Rule of law

Pupils learn what is right and wrong through classroom charters, school rules, our Busy Bee code and also through the Behaviour Policy. 

We hold an anti-bullying week each year and do regular work on this through PSHE and assemblies.

On Monday’s Mrs Smith meets with all the year groups in Hive Assembly where she celebrates good choices, here we discuss our pupil choices, Busy Bee Code and think about ways to regulate our emotions, resulting in more positive behaviour.


Positions on the School Council and the Eco star Team are decided through a democratic process involving all pupils. Our School Council meet regularly to discuss important decisions, share the voice of the children and support Mr D’ Souza in leading the school.

Tolerance of difference 

We celebrate difference at Stanley Park Infants’ School, we recognise that we all come from different backgrounds and have unique lived experiences. We respect these and ensure home languages and cultures are represented in our school environment. Throughout the year we teach about different cultures, customs and celebrations and also enjoy many immersion events where children experience food, music and learn about languages.

All incidents of racism and bullying related to protected characteristics (i.e. age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity) are registered on our reporting system

Mutual respect 

The school issues weekly rewards for politeness and considerate behaviour. Our Pupil Choices are our basis for all modelling positive behaviours and mutual respect for all. 

All staff consistently model mutual respect in their dealings with children and parents/carers.

Individual liberty 

All pupils are made aware of their individual responsibility in making choices and decisions. We support pupils in their understanding of the world around them to help them make informed choices about their health and well-being. 

Our behaviour policy (available on the Policies Page) embeds the idea of consequences based on choice and action. Our reflective process ensures pupils have the opportunity to unpick their behaviours and look at how it has affected both themselves and others. 

British Values at Stanley Park Infants'