Cirrus Primary Academy Trust


Subject Lead: Mrs Jennifer Hemming 

The art curriculum at Stanley Park Infants’ School is designed to encourage creativity and personal expression, to develop a range of artistic skills and to expose children to a variety of culturally diverse artists. 

Art is a creative tool used to communicate and express ideas and responses to what we experience in the world around us.  As children develop their personal styles, they will have the opportunity to explore colour, form, patterns and texture through a variety of techniques and processes.  Our art curriculum is designed to give the children the skill sets and artistic experiences needed to fuel their imagination and allow them to flourish as artists. 

We aim to bring an awareness to our children of how Art reflects and shapes our history and contributes to the culture and creativity of our nation.

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How we teach Art 

At Stanley Park Infants we engage,inspire and challenge pupils by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment,invent and create their own works of art.

Within each topic children are encouraged to explore existing works of art as well as practise creative skills and apply them with confidence. Art lessons at Stanley Park Infants’ School ensure that as well as learning new skills, children will also have opportunities to revisit their learning and build on their abilities as they progress through the school. We teach through a balance of both observational and experimental activities so that children can represent the world around them but also feel confident experimenting with techniques and ideas. At the end of each topic there will always be opportunities for the children to reflect and evaluate their own pieces of work. 

To provide a broad and rich artistic experience we also offer additional art opportunities through a range of visits, clubs and projects throughout the school year.

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Useful Links 

As a school we have received Artsmark Gold and are in the process of preparing for Platinum recognition.

Art at Stanley Park Infants' School

Art Long Term Plan


