Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Zebras (Year 1)

Welcome to Team Zebras

The teachers in Zebras are: Mrs Patterson (class teacher ), Mrs  Robinson and Miss Stylianaki (teaching assistants).

Our topics for the year are:
Our Wonderful World, Celebrations, Explorers, Learn and Grow, Time Travellers and Out and About.

Our P.E. lessons are on a Friday, please ensure your child comes into school with a PE kit on this day. Our other tracksuit days are Monday for multiskills or Tuesday for tennis and Thursday for dance and football. 

Please practise the key words and phonemes which are stuck into your child's planner at the end of each week. We have a weekly spelling test on the following Friday. Please ensure your child's bag of books and planner are in school each day to enable us to write comments and communicate with you. 

Spelling practice books are sent home weekly, please practise writing the spellings and putting them into sentences. There is also a maths home-learning task sent home weekly in your child's bookbag. 

Please remember to write a comment in your child's planner each time you read with them. If they have three comments a week they are rewarded a 'Rainbow Reader' sticker. 
For more information about what's happening each week please view the chit-chats.

Thank you for your on-going support.