Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Dolphins (Reception)

DolpphinWelcome to Team Dolphins!

We are a Reception class and our Teacher is Miss Deakin and our Teaching Assistant is Miss Ferrans.

Topics: Marvellous Me

PE Days: Track suit Monday and Wednesday Each week we play tennis. We are learning how to control the ball and volley.

Wednesday is our PE lesson when we start to use the large apparatus in the hall including wall bars and climbing frames. We also enjoy Dance. As the weather improves we are playing a variety of outside games including hoops, balls and beanbags.

Greenfingers: We enjoy wearing our wellies and waterproofs to explore our local area. We investigate the world around us and learn about how things live and grow.
Library: We enjoy listening to a story and choosing a variety of books for our classroom libraries.

Planners: Please try to listen to your child read every day and write a short comment in their planners. We will read with the children once a week and record a comment.  

Computing:  Dolphins enjoy using a range of programmable toys.

Home Learning: Daily reading, weekly news, handwriting and maths challenge cards.